Transforming payments to avoid revenue loss in the UK

In our latest infographic, we present how organisations in the UK can recover part of their lost revenue as a result of unoptimised payments.


The payments landscape is transitioning to digital-first and there’s no turning back.

In our latest whitepaper, ‘The Great Payments Transformation’, we surveyed over 756 senior payment leaders across travel and airlines, hospitality, online retail and gambling in the UK. Our findings indicated that 91% of organisations in the region have suffered revenue losses due to shortcomings in their payment infrastructure. With consumer expectations rapidly shifting, payment leaders are urged to adjust their payment strategies and safeguard revenue. However, the intersection of an ever-evolving regulatory environment, emerging fraud risks and the advent of new technologies sparking new ways to pay, among others, pose substantial obstacles to sustainable business growth.

It is evident that with the above innovations afoot, change is required. In fact, projections show that more than one in three merchants (37%) in the UK would need to make improvements and optimise their payment processes by the end of 2022. Our infographic aims to help payment leaders realise the importance of payments transformation. This way, they’ll be better placed to identify barriers to investing in payment optimisation and take actionable steps that will improve performance and maximise profit margins.

Download the infographic today and get access to useful insights on payment trends as highlighted by payment leaders and how emerchantpay can equip businesses with the payment technology and data they need to excel.


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