The roadmap to recovery for hospitality businesses

To help hospitality businesses bounce back, we’re sharing an infographic with insights into consumers’ behaviour.


With 2020 coming to an end, we’re taking a step back to look at the impact of COVID-19 on hospitality businesses in the UK. As restaurants, pubs and cafes strive to stay afloat during this uncertain period and more potential closures on the cards, the road to recovery might seem long and difficult but it doesn’t have to feel like all is lost. Consumers are getting to grips with the new reality which has affected their habits and dining expectations, urging businesses to take action and address their concerns.

Our latest infographic can help you better understand how to respond to the shift in consumer behaviour as you’re beginning to reopen your business to the public again. What are diners expecting from restaurants, pubs and cafés as they’re starting to reopen? Did the lockdown push them more towards cooking at home, or are they eager to order food delivery and takeaways? Do customers prefer contactless payments, putting cash on the back burner for the foreseeable future?

We want to do our part to help your business bounce back. Even if we can’t get behind the counter for you, what we can do is make sure that your guests can pay you however they want. Be it contactless, card, mobile or phone payments, we’ve got you covered. Read our latest case studies with The Whale Tea and Dough Boys to discover how we helped enable hospitality merchants to stay afloat during the Covid crisis.

Download the infographic today to get access to useful insights on safety priorities and consumers’ habits and actionable tips to get back on your feet.

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