How satisfied are online businesses with payments performance?

That’s the question we posed when conducting extensive research on payments trends within travel, retail, forex/ CFD, gaming and gambling.

In this article you will find

That’s the question we posed when conducting extensive research on payments trends within travel, retail, forex/ CFD, gaming and gambling. But first, let’s identify some of the factors that payments leaders use to define this term:

  • Efficient gateway processing
  • Fraud monitoring (real-time)
  • Analysing decline codes.

Our research spanned across five countries and multiple verticals – including gambling, retail and travel. Alarmingly, fewer than 30% of individuals we surveyed were satisfied with the ability to do the following:

  • Analyse codes
  • Analyse fraud data to set better rules
  • Monitor fraud in real-time.

That’s a direct correlation with the fact that a number of payments leaders, across each country and vertical we assessed, were also concerned with issues related to fraud and other security risks.

It’s important to look into potential reasons why such issues concern so many within multiple industries. So, what are possible reasons that this might be the case?

  • A lack of fraud monitoring: Only in Sweden did 65% or more business monitor this on a monthly basis.
  • A lack of efficiency in monitoring transaction processing: In each country and vertical we analysed, fewer than half of businesses monitored this on at least a monthly basis.

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