Behind our ‘Top 50 Fastest-Growing Companies in the North East’ shortlisting

emerchantpay was named as one of the Top 50 fastest-growing companies in the North East by Ward Hadaway in 2018!

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In Q4 2018, we were named as one of the ‘Top 50 fastest-growing companies in the North East’. The list was compiled by the firm Ward Hadaway and recognises 50 companies making a big difference in this part of England.

One of the top 50 fastest-growing companies in the North East

Our growth ethos was another reason we were shortlisted. We foster swift and transparent communication with our customers, but this is just one part of the jigsaw. Just as important is doing this with one another internally. This is further evident within our dedicated QA, DevOps, Engineering, and DBA teams – all working together in a harmonious manner. We welcome talented and enthusiastic engineers in diverse technical areas. Our team also uses a number of leading tools to further boost effectiveness. These include Zendesk, JIRA, Confluence and GitHub – amongst others. The attention we pay to every detail is another reason we’ve continued to grow.

Merchant integrations with us are quick and automated, providing a multitude of different software development kits for both Android and iOS mobile devices. We also provide various programming languages and stacks such as PHP, NET, Node.JS and Java. Deployments are 100% automated and frictionless, as is our infrastructure. We also attend many events such as the Balkan Ruby conference to stay up-to-date with the latest tecnology trends.

We also conduct code reviews, sanity checks, and performance test suites, in a fully automated manner. All this automation and relentless emphasis on quality saves money for our merchants and allows them to effortlessly improve their business flows. In addition to being cost-effective and security-focused, we allow our businesses to refocus their time and energy on other growth aspects. While they’re doing this, we handle their entire payment portfolio without hassle.

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