
Lehrvideos über Zahlungen und branchenspezifische Videoinhalte.

Erfahren Sie mehr über die sich verändernden Zahlungsarten und die bevorzugten internationalen Zahlungsoptionen. Sehen Sie sich unsere Vlogcast-Reihe mit besonderen Gästen aus den Bereichen Einzelhandel, Glücksspiel und Devisenmarkt an oder besuchen Sie eines unserer branchenspezifischen Webinare.

Video: All you need to know about 3DS2

3D Secure 2.0 (3DS2) is an authentication protocol that aims to reduce fraud and enhance security in online card payments.

Video: Open Banking explained

Open Banking enables customers to effortlessly make payments through instant bank transfers, a method poised for significant expansion.

Video: Payment page optimisation tips for eCommerce

A seamless and efficient payment experience can mean the difference between a successful sale and a lost customer.

Video: All you need to know about tokenisation

Tokenisation in payments is when sensitive cardholder data are substituted with a non-sensitive equivalent – a so-called token.

Video: Chargebacks explained

A chargeback describes a transaction dispute in which the cardholder reclaims the amount they paid to a merchant from their issuing bank.

Video: MOTO payments explained

MOTO (mail order/telephone order) payments allow businesses to accept online payments via telephone, letter or email requests.

Video: Grow your business globally with localised payments 

Local payment methods are key to increased conversions, so eCommerce merchants should offer them for a successful business expansion abroad.

Video: All you need to know about PCI compliance

PCI DSS is a protocol developed and managed by card schemes to ensure data security standards within the online payments ecosystem.

Video: Unlocking solutions for preventing fraud and managing risk

A payment service provider that's equipped with robust fraud-detecting tools can help businesses manage risk threats more effectively.

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